Sex: The Best Orgasm I Ever Had

Whenever I think about my sex life, I always think about how much I’ve missed out on it.  Because of my religious upbringing and being raised to save myself for marriage, I feel as if I almost didn’t know what to expect from sex when I finally started having it. When I turned 20, I had decided not to save myself for marriage and explore sex on my own responsibly. Since I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know what to feel. And unfortunately, in the beginning it wasn’t all that fun for me. It almost even felt worthless to have given up my virginity for my own curiosity to an idiot I thought loved me.

The first few partners I had never made me feel what sex should make a woman feel; let’s put it that way. Having experienced sex now and the best orgasm I’ve ever had, which you’re going to read about below, should make a woman feel worthy, vulnerable, sensual and sexually powerful and weak at the same time. And it wasn’t until I was 27 that I finally got to feel what sex should be about for anyone desiring it.

I met him on an online dating site. Not my favorite place to meet men but I wanted to give it a shot. He was five years younger than me and I wasn’t looking for anything serious at the time. After a few email exchanges I decided to ask him over to my place to see how things would go. Short and sweet conversations followed, and then we proceeded to my bedroom where I had set the mood with darkness and a playlist of songs to accompany us.

I wasn’t sure what he wanted to do first so I let him lead the way. He started by lying on top of me, kissing my lips and slowly removing my shirt and bra. He then went on to kiss my chest, breasts, tummy and began taking off my underwear. At this point, I got a little nervous. I had only had one man go down on me and it made me feel awkward and uncomfortable. I didn’t enjoy it and I was hoping for it to end fast. But this guy was different. He took his time. He told me to relax and let him lick me.

I started to feel butterflies in my tummy which soon turned into tight abs muscle spasms from the orgasms he was giving me just by licking me. I had never felt this kind of orgasm before and I wanted him to keep going. And he did. After he finished, he climbed back on top of me and thrust his hard penis into me.


Earlier that day I had been stressing about a lot of things that were out of my control. I was stressing about my spring semester tuition for school, making my car payment on time, remembering I had a doctor appointment the following week, needing to file a few things at work, and the list went on and on. But later on that night when I was with him, it all just went away.

With each thrust of him deeply penetrating me, a stressful thought would disappear from my head. Thrust: “Wait, what about my tuition?” Thrust: “Ummm….my car?” Thrust: “Do I have an appointment next week?” He kept thrusting so much pleasure into me that I literally had no thoughts left in my head. I just let my body react and out came the cries of a cat in heat from my senseless open drooling mouth. I couldn’t think of anything even if I tried. I felt I was literally being fucked stupid. It was the best fuck of my life.

That orgasm left me feeling like I was being carried away on a bed of fluffy clouds feeling the pulse of my beating heart on every part of my body; even down to my fingertips. It was incredible. He wasn’t super thick, he wasn’t big and he wasn’t small. He was just the perfect size that contoured to me. This is when I realized that size really doesn’t matter. Bigger isn’t always better.


After I got my brain back, I tried to comprehend where he had learned such great skills. Surprisingly, he hadn’t had much experience and I was the second woman he’d ever been with. According to him, his first sexual partner, an older woman, taught him so much on how to sexually please a woman. I felt like hunting her down and showering her with gifts.

Since neither one of us were looking for anything serious, and since I was sexually pleasuring him just the same because he kept coming back to me, we kept our beneficial friendship on and off this way for almost two years. The only time I didn’t see him was when he was deployed overseas (he was in the Navy) or when I would mistakenly go back to my ex-boyfriend. It’s been about seven months since he moved back to his hometown after completing his time with the Navy. To this day nobody has ever been able to match the type of orgasm he has given me. But hopefully, one day another man will.

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